South Plains Lanes

5150 69th St,

Lubbock, TX 79424

(806) 794-4844

Hours (Anytime Lanes are Available)

Sunday - 1pm - 11pm

Monday - 1pm- 9pm

Tuesday - 1pm - 11pm

Wednesday - 1pm - 11pm

Thursday 1pm - 11pm

Friday 5pm - 12am

Saturday 10am - 12am

Cosmic Bowling

Friday: 9pm-12am

Saturday: 8pm-12am

(Times May Vary)

Weekly Specials

Monday and Tuesday

$12 per person for 2 hrs of Bowling

Shoes Included


$23 per person for 2 hrs of Bowling

Shoes Included

$18 per person for 1 hr of Bowling

Shoes Included

$9 per person for an additional hour

Late Night Fall Special

Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 9pm-11pm

$12 per person for 2 hours of Bowling


Special Pricing

League Rate - $4.75 Per Game

Birthday/Party Pricing

$18 per person gets you 2 Hours of Bowling (shoe rental included)

Party Times are Saturdays at 1pm and 3pm and Sundays at 2pm

Every 5 people in your group gets you a free pitcher of soda and special pricing on Pizza at the Snack Bar

You may bring your own Cake & Ice-Cream No other outside food or drink allowed please!

September 16th Pards Pro Shop Team tournament.

September 17th Pards Pro shop Doubles Tournament. Contact Eddy Kelley for details.
